Weighted Assessment vs Continual Assessment (WA1 WA2 vs CA1 CA2)

By: Rafi , in Category: Primary

Until 2018 there were four exams conducted for each level.

  • CA1: Continual Assessment 1 which was conducted at the end of Term1 usually just before the March school holidays
  • SA1: Semestral Assessment 1 which was conducted at the end of Term2 usually just before the June school holidays
  • CA2: Continual Assessment 2 which was conducted at the end of Term3 usually just before the August school holidays
  • SA2: Semestral Assessment 2 which was conducted at the end of Term4 usually just before the year end school holidays

From 2019 all exams and Weighted Assessments for Primary 1 and Primary 2 students in Singapore has been removed and mid year exams for P3, P5, Sec1 and Sec3 levels are also scrapped as they are key transition levels.

Instead of CA1 and CA2, WA1 and WA2 are introduced which are called weighted Assessment 1 and Weighted Assessment 2. The Weighted Assessment 1 is roughly conducted in the mid of term 2 and WA2 is conducted around July or August depending on which school your child is studying.

The removal of mid-year exams will free up to about three weeks of curriculum time for each two-year block (that is, Primary 3 and Primary 4, Primary 5 and Primary 6, Sec 1 and 2, Sec 3 and 4). Schools are encouraged to use the time and space freed up for quality teaching and learning.

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