Transferring to another primary school in Singapore

By: Andrew, in Category: Primary

When transferring to another primary school, there are several things to note:

  1. Eligibility: Before applying for a transfer, check if your child is eligible to transfer to another school. Generally, a transfer can only take place after a student has completed Primary 1 and has been in the current school for at least one year.

  2. Reason for Transfer: A valid reason for transferring to another primary school must be given. Some common reasons include relocating to another area, seeking a different academic program, or social reasons.

  3. Availability: Check if there are vacancies available in the desired school.

  4. Application Period: Transfers can only take place during the designated application periods set by the Ministry of Education.

  5. Documentation: Submit all necessary documents, including the transfer application form, academic transcripts, and any other relevant certificates.

The procedure for transferring to another primary school includes the following steps:

  1. Obtain a transfer application form from the current primary school or download it from the Ministry of Education website.

  2. Complete the application form and submit it to the current primary school.

  3. The current primary school will review the application and supporting documents and will endorse the application if all requirements are met.

  4. The endorsed application will then be forwarded to the desired primary school for consideration.

  5. The desired primary school will review the application and supporting documents and will notify the applicant of the outcome of the application.

  6. If the application is approved, the applicant will need to complete the necessary administrative procedures with both the current and desired primary schools.

It is important to note that transferring to another primary school is subject to availability and is not guaranteed. It is also recommended to consult with the current and desired primary schools for more information on the transfer process.

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